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Academic Policies

Academic Policies

Here you'll find everything you need to know about 澳门六合彩's academic policies, including registration, adding and dropping classes, transfer of coursework, and internships. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with this information, and you'll be ready to succeed in the classroom.


All new students are strongly encouraged to attend orientation, during which they meet their Department Chairperson and are given information about the college facilities, student services, and college policies, including grading, transfer of coursework, and job placement. In addition, students become familiar with Student Activities and the importance of becoming involved.

Financial Clearance

Financial clearance is the initial step in the process leading to registration for classes each quarter. All students must complete financial clearance through a Fiscal Counselor in the Student Financial Services Office. Typically, this process may include:

  • Making all scheduled tuition and fee payments per their schedule of payments, including any adjustments
  • Fulfilling other non-tuition financial obligations such as library fines and other book charges
  • Requesting financial aid (if applicable), completing and turning in all information or other documentation requested by the student's Financial Aid Officer
  • Resolving issues with other departments that are non-tuition related obligations such as I-20 status, or leave of absence paperwork

New Student Registration

New students register for classes before the beginning of their first quarter or on Orientation Day with assistance from Admissions and the Education Department. Students then submit their schedules to the Registrar for final approval.

Continuing Student Registration

Registration for each upcoming quarter will take place during the latter part of the previous quarter.

Success Seminar Program

Success Seminar is a required program for all first-time college students and international students; however, those with previous college experience are also encouraged to attend. Making a smooth transition into college life is an important step towards achieving success. The seminar teaches techniques to help improve study skills, time management, stress management, and online research skills; it provides a chance to get to know 澳门六合彩 Students, Faculty, Staff, and other first-quarter participants.

First Week of Class

In order to hold an enrolled place in class, students must be present at the start of the first class session.


Prerequisites are preliminary courses covering information that is required prior to enrolling in another course.

Student Academic Load

International students must attend a full course of study, or at least 12 units per quarter for undergraduates. Exceptions are made when a student needs less than 12 credits to complete a course of study.

Repeat Courses

Any student who fails a required class must repeat that course in order to graduate. Students will be charged full tuition and fees when they re-register for the class. In most cases, course books and supplies may be used when repeating the class. If any of the course books or supplies in a subsequent quarter have been changed, the student will be responsible for purchasing the new items. When a course is repeated, only the higher grade will be included in the cumulative grade point average.

All repeats must be completed at 澳门六合彩. General Studies courses may be an exception with the approval of the Department Chairperson. Credits for GNST courses that have been approved to be taken elsewhere are transferable for failed courses; however, the "F" earned at 澳门六合彩 remains as part of the cumulative GPA. Federal financial aid may be received for only one repeat of a class for which a student has received a passing grade (鈥淒-鈥漮r better).

Additional Courses

Additional charges are applied when the student exceeds the number of units for an enrollment agreement. Students who retake a course for any reason or change their major and complete courses that do not apply to the new major will be responsible for the full course cost for those units, the course-related resource fees, and potentially added costs for books and supplies.

Adding and Dropping a Class

For classes that meet for the entire quarter, students have the first two weeks to add or drop a class. Charges for any dropped class(es) will be removed from the student鈥檚 tuition account and the class(es) will not appear on their transcript. After the drop period, Education Department approval is required to withdraw from a course which would result in a grade 鈥淲鈥 on the transcript. Students will be charged full tuition and fees when they re-register. If the student has not been withdrawn from a course by the last day of week six, their final grade will be based on the points earned on all assignments accepted by the instructor throughout the quarter, and in many cases, that final grade may be an 鈥淔.鈥 Students will have to re-register and pay tuition and fees for any courses they fail to complete. Students must acquire all required course materials before classes start. Books and supplies may be purchased at The 澳门六合彩 Store or at thefidmstore.com.

Independent Study

To qualify for Independent Study, a student must have a strong background in the subject matter or a valid reason determined by the college, and a 3.0 grade point average at 澳门六合彩. Qualified students are allowed one Independent Study during their program; however, for special circumstances as determined by a Chairperson, additional Independent Studies can be granted. Independent Study is typically available during the second year and must be approved by the Department Chairperson or the Education Department, and the instructor.

Credit for Academically Relevant Experience (CARE)

In some cases, students may challenge courses by participating in the Credit for Academically Relevant Experience (CARE) program. Information and application forms are available to students from the Education Department. Documentation of equivalent skills, employment, military training or subject matter expertise acquired through independent learning is required.  Approval from the Dean of Academic Development is required before credit (15 units maximum) can be awarded.  Students may appeal adverse decisions with the Vice President of Education. There is a $350.00 fee for each 3-unit course accepted through the CARE program.


Internships are opportunities for students to combine academic training with employment in fields related to their course of study. In addition, students apply classroom principles to 鈥渞eal life鈥 situations and explore various career options while in their program. In order to qualify, students should meet with a Career Coach, must maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average, have proof of medical insurance, and be in the second, third, or fourth year of a 澳门六合彩 undergraduate degree. Students enrolled in Professional Designation, Bachelor鈥檚, and Master鈥檚 degree programs are eligible to apply for internships after their first quarter. 

Internships must be secured and paperwork completed prior to the end of the quarter preceding the internship鈥檚 start date (e.g., by the end of Winter quarter for an internship starting in Spring.) To receive academic credit, students must confirm their plans with their department prior to applying and will be asked to complete specific coursework. International students may be eligible to complete internships, subject to federal/state regulations, if they qualify for 澳门六合彩鈥檚 Curriculum Practical Training (CPT).

Transfer of Coursework

Coursework taken at another accredited college will be considered if there is an equivalent course at 澳门六合彩 that is required for a specific major and the grade on a course already completed elsewhere is a grade of Pass or a minimum grade of "C-" (70%). Students must request a transfer credit evaluation from the Education Department before or during the first quarter of attendance at 澳门六合彩. Applicants for Veterans benefits must be evaluated prior to attending the first class. All documentation of transferred work must be submitted and evaluated prior to the start of the student鈥檚 second quarter so the student can select the correct classes. Transcripts must be official (stamped and signed by the Registrar of the college previously attended). They become a part of the student鈥檚 academic file and are not returned or copied for distribution. If a course was transferred in to 澳门六合彩 but the student enrolled in that class, once brought to the attention of the college, a grade of 鈥淲鈥 will replace the grade earned and the transfer class stands. Students currently registered in a class for which the prerequisite course was waived, or equivalent units were transferred from another institution, must go to their Department Advisor because books and supplies may need to be purchased for the transferred course.

澳门六合彩 also accepts students holding prior degrees for upper division transfer into selected programs. Check with an Admissions Advisor to confirm eligibility.

Transfer to Other Colleges

How credit for a course at 澳门六合彩 transfers to another educational institution depends on how that college or university will accept the course and how clearly defined a student鈥檚 transfer goal is. Students who wish to explore their transfer options should consult with 澳门六合彩鈥檚 Articulation Officer. Students graduating from 澳门六合彩 must complete the graduation requirements for their specific degree. 澳门六合彩 requirements, however, do not necessarily meet all lower division or general education requirements for other colleges. 澳门六合彩 currently maintains articulation agreements with selected colleges with the intent of enhancing a student鈥檚 transfer opportunities.

Articulation is the planned, documented pathway between two or more colleges or universities and their academic programs. Articulation agreements are also called transfer agreements, transfer guides, and transfer pathways by various audiences. 澳门六合彩 currently has articulation agreements with the following institutions:

California College of the Arts (San Francisco and Oakland campuses)

See Articulation Guidelines. Humanities and Science Curriculum articulated for B.A.; B.F.A.; and B.Arch degrees; Interior Design curriculum articulated for B.F.A. degree. Visual Studies electives and seminar, required by CCA, can be met with articulated courses from 澳门六合彩鈥檚 A.A. design majors.

LIM (Laboratory Institute of Merchandising)

Basis of Agreement: 1. LIM will accept all course credits earned at 澳门六合彩 for which the transferring student receives a grade of C or better and will allow a 澳门六合彩 Student with fewer than 59 semester credits (90 quarter credits) to make up the deficiencies at LIM; 2. 澳门六合彩 Graduates with an Associate鈥檚 Degree may enter LIM with full junior status. Currently, transfer pathways have been created for graduates of 澳门六合彩鈥檚 A.A. programs in Merchandise Product Development, Merchandising & Marketing, and Visual Communications.

Otis College of Art & Design

Foundation/Freshman Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses, Foundation Studio Courses and Architecture/ Landscape/Interiors Courses articulated to facilitate upper division transfer into the B.F.A. program in Architecture/Landscape/Interior program at Otis.

Regent's University London

Sufficient course content from 澳门六合彩鈥檚 Merchandise Product Development, Merchandising & Marketing, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, and Visual Communications programs articulated as equivalent to the first two years (levels 3 and 4) of the B.A. (Hons) Fashion Marketing; B.A. (Hons) Fashion Design (Marketing); B.A. (Hons) Fashion Design; and B.A. (Hons) Communication Design programs at Regent鈥檚 University.

Santa Monica College (SMC)

澳门六合彩 maintains articulation with SMC to facilitate preparation for admissions to their Bachelor of Science degree in Interaction Design. 

University of Phoenix

Block transfers for all 澳门六合彩 majors; details of the application of transfer credit outlined on the University of Phoenix website.

For assistance in applying to graduate schools after completing a 澳门六合彩 Bachelor of Science and/or Bachelor of Arts program, contact 澳门六合彩鈥檚 Articulation Officer to discuss the necessary requirements and application procedures.


Final grades are issued at the end of each quarter. A student's performance in a course is expressed in terms of the following letter grades, with their numerical equivalents for computation purposes. Quality of performance is reported as follows:


澳门六合彩's letter grades and their numerical equivalents.
Letter Grade GPA Percentage
A 4.0 93-100
A- 3.7 90-92.9
B+ 3.3 87-89.9
B 3.0 83-86.9
B- 2.7 80-82.9
C+ 2.3 77-79.9
C 2.0 73-76.9
C- 1.7 70-72.9
D+ 1.3 67-69.9
D 1.0 63-66.9
D- 0.7 60-62.9
F (Failing) 0.0 Below 59.9
I (Incomplete) 0.0  
P (Pass) 0.0  
W (Withdrawal) 0.0  



澳门六合彩's letter grades and their numerical equivalents.
Letter Grade GPA Percentage
A 4.0 93-100
A- 3.7 90-92.9
B+ 3.3 87-89.9
B 3.0 83-86.9
B- 2.7 80-82.9
C+ 2.3 77-79.9
C 2.0 73-76.9
C- 1.7 70-72.9
D+ (Failing) 1.3 67-69.9
D (Failing) 1.0 63-66.9
D- (Failing) 0.7 60-62.9
F (Failing) 0.0 Below 59.9
I (Incomplete) 0.0  
P (Pass) 0.0  
W (Withdrawal) 0.0  

Honor Roll/President's Honor Roll

Students in any quarter with a minimum of 12 units who obtain a grade point average of 3.5 will be placed on the Honor Roll. If students earn a grade point average of 3.95 in any quarter, with a minimum of 12 units, they will be placed on the President鈥檚 Honor Roll.

Incomplete Grades

Students receiving a grade of Incomplete (鈥淚鈥) must complete the coursework during the following quarter or by a specified date determined by the Education Department or instructor. An Incomplete will be given only in cases involving extreme personal difficulties that prevent the student from completing a final project or taking the final examination. Students must be in good standing with a 鈥淐-鈥 grade or better, to qualify for an Incomplete grade. If by the end of the following quarter the coursework has not been completed, the 鈥淚鈥 will automatically be changed to an 鈥淔.鈥 Incomplete grades cannot be completed once a grade of 鈥淔鈥 is assigned.

Academic Freedom

Faculty members are free to teach and discuss the facts and ideas within their curriculum which they believe to be in accord with available evidence, and to examine unpopular or controversial ideas in classroom teaching when appropriate to course content.

Academic Disciplinary Procedures

Students are expected to maintain a 2.0 grade point average at all times. In order to graduate, a student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. Failure to do so will result in the additional cost of class(es) to raise the GPA to 2.0. 澳门六合彩 academically disciplines students who fail to maintain the standard 2.0 cumulative grade point average, as follows:

Below are the academic disciplinary stages for students that fail to maintain the standard of 2.0 cumulative grade point average.

Academic disciplinary stages for students who fail to maintain a 2.0 GPA
Academic Disciplinary Stages
Academic Warning Quarterly GPA falls below a 2.0, but the cumulative GPA remains 2.0 or higher
Academic Probation* Cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0
Academic Dismissal** Cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 while on Academic Probation. Student must apply for reinstatement.
Academic Disqualification Quarterly and cumulative GPA below 2.0 in any quarter subsequent to reinstatement


* While a student is on probation and earns at least a 2.0 GPA for the quarter, but the cumulative is still below a 2.0 GPA. the student will remain on probation.

** To be reinstated, students must submit a letter to the Education Department explaining their academic record and requesting readmission. A final decision is determined by the College Review Board. Once approved to return from dismissal, the return is expected within a year or the student will be subject to an additional meeting with the College Review Board.

Reinstatement Policy

A student who wishes to be reinstated and has been withdrawn and who left in good academic standing must complete a new enrollment agreement from the Department of Student Success. Graduation requirements are determined from the catalog in effect on the date of acceptance for re-entry, and the student will incur additional costs and fees to complete the program. Disqualified students are not eligible to be reinstated.

Definition of a Credit Hour at 澳门六合彩

A credit hour is the amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement. It is an institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than one hour of classroom, course website, or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately ten weeks for one quarter unit of credit.

Lecture Course

  • 1 credit = 1 hour per week (2 hours outside preparation)
  • 2 credits = 2 hours per week (4 hours outside preparation)
  • 3 credits = 3 hours per week (6 hours outside preparation)

Lab Course (these are 3-unit courses)

  • 3 credits = 2 hours lecture and 4 hours lab

Studio Course (these are 6-unit courses)

  • 6 credits = 4 hours lecture and 8 hours studio


  • 3 units of credit for 80-100 hours at an institutionally approved internship site

澳门六合彩 Policy on Awarding Degrees

澳门六合彩 Degrees

A.A. degree is awarded for 90 quarter units

B.A. degree is awarded for 181 quarter units

B.S. degree is awarded for 181 quarter units

M.B.A. degree is awarded for 61 quarter units

Advanced Study is awarded for 45 quarter units in:

  • Fashion Design
  • Film & TV Costume Design

Advanced Study is awarded for 48 quarter units in:

  • The Business of Denim
  • International Manufacturing & Product Development
  • Menswear

Professional Designation A.A. (transfer degree completion) 鈥 For eligible students transferring to 澳门六合彩 for preparation to enter specific professional fields, the college offers:

45 quarter unit program

  • Merchandising & Marketing

48 quarter unit program

  • Beauty Marketing & Product Development

51 quarter unit program

  • Merchandise Product Development

54 quarter unit programs

  • Fashion Design

60 quarter unit programs

  • Apparel Industry Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital Media
  • Graphic Design
  • Visual Communications

66 quarter unit program

  • Interior Design

澳门六合彩 Maximum Transfer Units - Residency Requirements

Associate of Arts Maximum Transferable Units
Associate of Arts Units Maximum Transferable Units Residency Requirements (Units)
Apparel Industry Management 90 45 45
Beauty Marketing & Product Development 90 45 45
Digital Marketing 90 45 45
Digital Media* 90 45 45
Fashion Design* 90 45 45
Graphic Design* 90 45 45
Interior Design* 90 45 45
Merchandising & Marketing 90 45 45
Merchandise Product Development 90 45 45
Visual Communications* 90 45 45


Associate of Arts Professional Designation Maximum Transferable Units
Associate of Arts Professional Designation Units Maximum Transferable Units Residency Requirements (Units)
Apparel Industry Management 57 27 30
Beauty Marketing & Product Development 48 18 30
Digital Marketing 60 30 30
Digital Media* 60 30 30
Fashion Design* 54 24 30
Graphic Design* 60 30 30
Interior Design* 66 36 30
Merchandising & Marketing 45 15 30
Merchandise Product Development 51 21 30
Visual Communications* 60 30 30


Associate of Arts Advanced Study Maximum Transferable Units
Associate of Arts Advanced Study
(for students who have earned an Associate's Degree in a related discipline)
Units Maximum Transferable Units Residency Requirements (Units)
The Business of Denim+ 48 0 48
Fashion Design* 45 0 45
Film & TV Costume Design*+ 45 0 45
International Manufacturing & Product Development+ 48 3 45
Menswear*+ 48 3 45


Bachelor of Science Maximum Transferable Units
Bachelor of Science
(two-year degree completion for students who have earned an Associate's Degree in a related discipline)
Units Maximum Transferable Units Residency Requirements (Units)
B.S. Apparel Technical Design*+ 91 46 45
B.S. Beauty Business Management*+ 91 46 45
B.S. Business Management+ 91 46 45


Bachelor of Arts Maximum Transferable Units
Bachelor of Arts
(two-year degree completion for students who have earned an Associate's Degree in a related discipline)
Units Maximum Transferable Units Residency Requirements (Units)
B.A. Design*+ 91 46 45
B.A. Digital Cinema*+ 91 46 45
B.A. Graphic Design*+ 91 46 45
B.A. Digital Marketing+ 91 46 45


Bachelor of Arts Maximum Transferable Units
Bachelor of Arts
(one-year degree completion for students who have earned an A.A. Degree and an A.A. Advanced Study Degree from 澳门六合彩)
Units Maximum Transferable Units Residency Requirements (Units)
B.A. Professional Studies 46 16 30


Bachelor's Degrees Maximum Transferable Units
Bachelor's Degrees
(for qualified transfer students)
Units Maximum Transferable Units Residency Requirements (Units)
B.A. Creative Industry Studies 181 varies 54
Other Transfer Qualified Bachelor's Degrees 181 108 73


Master of Business Administration Maximum Transferable Units
Master of Business Administration
(for students who have earned a Bachelor鈥檚 Degree from 澳门六合彩 or an accredited college/university in which the language of instruction is English)
Units Maximum Transferable Units Residency Requirements (Units)
M.B.A. Business Administration 61 15 46

澳门六合彩 is accredited by WASC Senior College and University Commission.
*All 澳门六合彩 Art & Design majors are accredited by NASAD
+For qualified transfer students


Attending class regularly has a positive impact on overall performance as well as the student experience. However, 澳门六合彩 does not take attendance nor does it directly affect a student鈥檚 final grade. 澳门六合彩 highly encourages students to attend classes regularly in order to be the most successful.


All instruction at 澳门六合彩 is in English.

Program Course Sequence

Students who follow the recommended course sequence precisely will meet all class requirements and will complete courses in the designated time period. If students take courses out of sequence without approval, this may cause a delay in their graduation date. Leaves of absence, taking less than a full course load in any quarter, or having to repeat classes can also delay graduation, and may increase costs.

Changes to Degree Location - Completion

澳门六合彩 schedules program starts and class sections to help students meet their education goals and to graduate on time. 澳门六合彩 makes every effort to offer sufficient sections of classes in the quarters in which they are to be taken for degree completion. Very rarely, a section may be canceled due to low enrollment and in such cases, students may be offered an alternative.

In emergency situations, such as the recent pandemic, classes normally scheduled to meet on campus may shift to a fully or partially online delivery mode. This may involve offering classes via teleconference at a scheduled day/time, or by scheduling some combination of online and on-campus class meetings. Depending on the curriculum, some classes may also be shifted to a fully distance-based schedule; students in these types of classes have weekly deadlines but do not have pre-set class meeting times. In all cases, 澳门六合彩 will follow state and county guidelines in order to prioritize the safety of students, faculty and staff.

澳门六合彩 Transfer Credit Policies

Advanced Placement (AP)

Students entering from high school may apply for college credit by taking examinations given by the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. Students who have taken any of these examinations should arrange to have the results forwarded to 澳门六合彩 by the College Board if the AP score is not indicated on the official high school transcript. As determined by 澳门六合彩, applicable credits will be awarded for AP scores of three (3) or higher and awarded credits may count toward general education requirements of student鈥檚 intended major.

Credit Through Standardized Testing (CLEP and DANTES)

Students may earn college credit through College Level Examination Placement (CLEP) with a score of 50 or higher, or Defense Activity for Non-Tradition Education Support (DANTES). Examinations must have been taken before the student has been granted A.A. or B.A./B.S. degree-seeking status at 澳门六合彩.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

澳门六合彩 awards academic credit for test scores of four (4) or higher on individual higher-level IB courses. Credit is awarded at the time of matriculation and is based on the scores earned on the IB examinations. All credit awarded will be recorded on the student鈥檚 permanent record and will be included in the credit total toward degree requirements. Credit will be awarded for lower division general studies course work at 澳门六合彩 (courses numbered 1000 and 2000). Questions regarding IB credit equivalencies should be directed to the Chairperson of General Studies.

Military Credit

The American Council on Education (ACE) collaborates with the Department of Defense to review military training and experience and recommend appropriate college credit for members of the Armed Forces. ACE provides quality assurance and policy guidance for the Joint Services Transcript (JST) used by the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard. 澳门六合彩 will consider the guidelines set forth by ACE.

Transfer Credit from International Institutions

All applicants educated outside the U.S. are required to have their credentials evaluated by an educational evaluation service. These evaluations constitute non-binding advisory opinions only. 澳门六合彩 makes all final determinations regarding course/grade/credit/GPA equivalencies, degree equivalencies, and the award of any transfer credit for coursework completed (as provided in 澳门六合彩鈥檚 transfer credit evaluation). 

Transfer Grade Policies

All transfer courses graded Pass/No Pass or Credit/No Credit are computed at neutral value, except in those cases where the specific grading symbol is identified by the source institution as equivalent to a grade less than C in which case it will be taken at face value. All transfer course grades or symbols used to designate unsatisfactory, failing, or non-passing work at time of withdrawal such as UW, WU, or WF are evaluated as failing grades (F) unless otherwise defined by the source institution. 澳门六合彩 accepts Pass/No Pass and Credit/No Credit courses for transfer if the source institution requires a minimum of a C- grade (70% or above) to earn a Pass and the Pass grade is listed on the official transcript in the Units Earned column of the semester/quarter in which it was taken.

Transferring to 澳门六合彩

澳门六合彩 accepts transfer students into both its Associate of Arts and Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science programs. Applicants with completed Associate鈥檚, Bachelor鈥檚, and Master鈥檚 degrees are also eligible for admission to 澳门六合彩鈥檚 specialized degree programs.

Transferring college credits into an Associate鈥檚 program:

If a student has attended an accredited 2-year or 4-year college, up to 30 semester units (45 quarter units) may be transferable into one of 澳门六合彩鈥檚 Associate of Arts programs. We maintain Course Equivalency agreements with many U.S. colleges. A student may request that their transcript be evaluated by the Admissions department whether or not an agreement is in place. Please see /en/admissions/transfer+students/, or contact an Admissions Advisor for more information.

Transferring college credits into a Bachelor鈥檚 program:

鈥 澳门六合彩 maintains upper-division pathway articulation agreements with many colleges in the U.S. Students holding degrees from these colleges are invited to apply to the Bachelor of Arts in Creative Industry Studies program or to the specialized Bachelor鈥檚 degree program to which their Associate鈥檚 degree major is linked.

鈥 澳门六合彩 welcomes upper-division transfer applicants from most U.S. colleges to its Bachelor of Arts in Creative Industry Studies program. A student is eligible for admission if they have completed:

鈥 an Associate鈥檚 degree in an academic or career-focused major; or

鈥 the certified transfer curriculum for admission to their state university; or

鈥 at least 45-60 semester units (67-90 quarter units) of transferable academic coursework

鈥 澳门六合彩鈥檚 specialized Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science programs welcome upper-division transfer applicants. A student is eligible for admission if they have completed an Associate鈥檚 degree in a relevant major.

Please see /en/admissions/transfer+students/, or contact an Admissions Advisor for more information.

Applying to 澳门六合彩 as a college graduate:

澳门六合彩's Master of Business Administration program, Advanced Study programs in Film & TV Costume Design, International Manufacturing and Product Development, Menswear, and The Business of Denim, and Professional Designation programs are open to applicants holding Associate鈥檚, Bachelor鈥檚, and Master鈥檚 degrees. Requirements vary; please see /en/admissions/transfer+students/ for more information about the programs or contact an Admissions Advisor.

澳门六合彩 additionally maintains Agreements with ROP and BOCES. In 1948 the New York State legislature created Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) to provide shared educational programs and services to school districts within the state. The Regional Occupational Program (ROP) in California provides  high-quality career preparation classes and services to prepare youth (16 years of age and older) and adults for successful careers in response to the needs of the local labor market.

The Southern California Regional Occupational Center (ROC) is intended to provide training for trades in traditional occupational settings. With an emphasis on the contemporary workplace, ROC believes that Career Technical Education is for everyone 鈥 from the individual seeking to enter the job market with upgraded skills, to the college-prep student desiring greater academic challenge and the opportunity to apply their knowledge.


澳门六合彩 currently maintains Articulation Agreements with the following BOCES, ROP, and ROC programs:

1. Eastern Suffolk BOCES (NY)

2. Eastern Suffolk BOCES-Fashion (NY)

3. Kern High School ROC (CA)

4. King Career Center (AK)

5. Lake Elsinore Unified School District

6. Las Virgenes Unified School ROP (CA)

7. Manteca Unified School District ROP (CA)

8. Mission Valley ROP (CA)

9. Nassau BOCES Advertising program (NY)

10. Nassau BOCES Fashion Design program (NY)

11. Quincy High School (MA)

12. San Ramon Valley (CA)

13. Ventura County ROC (CA)

14. Western Suffolk BOCES (NY)

15. Yorktown BOCES (NY)

Notice Concerning Transferability of Credits and Credentials Earned at Our Institution

Each institution is responsible for determining its own policies and practices with regard to the transfer and award of credit. It is the receiving institution鈥檚 responsibility to provide reasonable and definitive policies and procedures for determining a student鈥檚 knowledge in required subject areas. All institutions have a responsibility to furnish transcripts and other documents necessary for a receiving institution to judge the quality and quantity of a student鈥檚 work. Institutions also have a responsibility to advise students that the work reflected on the transcript may or may not be accepted by a receiving institution.

The transferability of credits a student earns at 澳门六合彩 is at the complete discretion of an institution to which they may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree a student earns is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which they may seek to transfer. If the credits that a student earns at this institution are not accepted at the institution to which they seek to transfer, they may be required to repeat some or all of the coursework at that institution. For this reason, a student should make certain that their attendance at this institution will meet their educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which a student may seek to transfer after attending 澳门六合彩 to determine if their credits or degree will transfer.

Please note that completing a program at 澳门六合彩 does not necessarily qualify students for upper division transfer.