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澳门六合彩 Students Partner with Uniqlo

Project-Based Learning

How PBL Preps Students for the Real World

The old model of passively learning facts and reciting them is no longer sufficient for today鈥檚 highly complex and technological world. At 澳门六合彩, project-based learning is a key component of the college鈥檚 curriculum. According to researchers William R. Penuel and Barbara Means, the classroom activity model gives students a deeper understanding of what they鈥檙e learning through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems.

Applied Learning

鈥淲hen we talk about studying in college or becoming an educated person, we tend to think about producing research papers or cramming through textbooks to prepare for final examinations,鈥 says Sheryl Rabinovich, 澳门六合彩鈥檚 Dean of Education. 鈥淲hile these activities are the norm, applied learning, or project-based learning, goes the extra step and takes students up the ladder of learning.鈥

Integrated Education

Psychologist and PBL expert Thomas Markham describes project-based learning as integrating 鈥渒nowing and doing.鈥 He has said: 鈥淧BL refocuses education on the student, not the curriculum鈥攁 shift mandated by the global world, which rewards intangible assets such as drive, passion, creativity, empathy, and resiliency. These cannot be taught out of a textbook, but must be activated through experience.鈥

Industry Level Portfolios

Our project-based curriculum gives 澳门六合彩 Students opportunities to collaborate with students from other majors as well as with renowned companies and inspiring industry leaders. PBL results in 澳门六合彩 Students having industry level portfolios they can immediately show prospective employers.

Industry Partners

Some recent examples of PBL at 澳门六合彩 include a group of 澳门六合彩 Students who won the Adobe Creative Jam, where they were . Via one of our Industry Partner Classroom Projects, Red Bull . Retailer UNIQLO asked 澳门六合彩 Students to at their new location at The BLOC in Downtown Los Angeles.

Advanced Educational Experience

鈥淲hen students can demonstrate that they not only understand the concepts, technical expertise, principles, or steps necessary to produce industry level work, that student is much further ahead in their educational experience because they can produce the work and utilize the concepts,鈥 adds Rabinovich.

Top Brands as Mentors

Beauty Students in our Promotion & Presentation class in Southern California. The Design Installation class worked to . Students in The Business of Denim program were challenged to for modern times. Graphic Design Students to Hollywood entertainment executives.

Scholarly Research

One of Rabinovich鈥檚 favorite projects at 澳门六合彩 is from the Bachelor鈥檚 course Icons of Culture: The Context of Meaning. 鈥淭he final project has students going to museums to locate objects of art that incorporate iconic symbols, patterns, and elements of design that have persisted over time,鈥 she says.

Marketable Design

鈥淔rom these objects, students from several different majors re-interpret the motifs into textile designs, inspired from the museum pieces. They receive feedback from the class, refine their design, and then they produce their own product. These can be DVD covers, dishes, stationery, or apparel, and the process that they must articulate and successfully demonstrate illustrates the full cycle of combining scholarly research into saleable design.鈥